The interview appeared on CTN News on 15th May 2009.
“Business can be a viable alternative to dependence on foreign aid in Cambodia” remarked Mr. Chandran Nair, CEO and founder of GIFT in an interview with CTN News, an established national network which reaches Cambodians across the country and in 24 countries abroad. During GIFT’s 9th YLP in Phnom Penh, Mr. Nair took time to speak to CTN on GIFT’s partnership with GERES, an established NGO in Cambodia, in helping its commercial spin-off enterprise, Eco-Biz, to develop a viable business plan. Recognizing that many of the development issues cannot solely be solved by reliance on foreign aid and NGO support, Mr. Nair stated that the business-like approach that social enterprises, such as Eco-Biz are taking is vital in creating development and wealth, particularly in largely untapped rural areas where a majority of the country’s population reside. However, he cautioned against a mad rush to wealth creation that can be very destructive. To prevent this, Mr. Nair concluded by recommending that the Cambodian government should seek to encourage investors to look at sectors such as water management, poverty, land use and agriculture which are linked to the issues of resource management and poverty alleviation. He also indicated the need for the non-profit sector to re-evaluate its role in Cambodia and to move towards a position where it is actively participating in encouraging entrepreneurship and economic value as another means to address development issues.